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Google updates Chromecast & YouTube apps with material design

Google has released updated versions of its Chromecast and YouTube apps in Google Play, which include material design changes and other improvements. “The YouTube app for Android is getting a new, cleaner look this week that puts more focus on videos and channels, and looks more like the other Google apps you know and love. To make it easier to find the videos you want, we’ve also added search filtering,” YouTube team noted in a post on Google+. According to Google, the YouTube update will roll-out over the next few days. In addition to material design, the Chromecast app update also brings screen-casting support for new Moto X and bug fixes. Android 5.0.1 update now rolling out to Nexus 6, Nexus 4, Nexus 7 (2013) Wi-Fi & Moto G Google Play edition. In related news, Google has started rolling out the Android 5.0.1 update for Nexus 4, Nexus 6, Nexus 7 (2013) Wi-Fi version and Moto G GPe devices. The update is live over-the-air (OTA) and will reach your device in the coming days.