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Google releases another bug-fixing Android update in the form of v5.0.2

It was just over a fortnight ago that Google released Android 5.0.1 in AOSP, now the search giant is back with yet another bug-fixes update in the form of Android 5.0.2.
The company pushed Android 5.0.2 in AOSP earlier today and has also published the factory images containing the new version of developer website.
the Nexus 7 (2012) Wi-Fi version on its
As per XDA Portal, the Android 5.0.2 is a comparable bigger update than Android 5.0.1 and includes fixes for some issues with MountService and performance improvements for devices with slow NAND storage.
There is no word on whether Android 5.0.2 will be released for all Nexus devices or just the 2012 variant of Nexus 7 tablet, but we hope to know more in the coming days. Also, we expect the OTA roll-out for Nexus 7 (2012) Wi-Fi version to begin in the coming days.