Enable VoLTE in Samsung devices
This happened with me, I flashed samsung stock ROM and unfortunately VoLTE was not starting due to some reason. What happened is the SW Configuration was not properly configured. So, what I did made is the solution to this. This will not only enable the VoLTE also you will get a option to switch VoLTE in phone settings.
Lets try
Requirements :
1) Samsung Non VoLTE device
2) Root
3) ES File Explorer
4) VoLTE Fix Zip : Download
Steps :
Open ES File Explorer and get root permissions from the left panel. Select Grant
2) Now click on Root Explorer from left panel and select Mount R/W
3) Select all RW
4) Extract the VoLTE zip and copy csc, CscVersion.txt and SW_Configuration.xml.
5) Click on / from the address toolbar in ES File Explorer
6) Scroll down and open System folder.
7) Select csc, CscVersion.txt and SW_Configuration.xml and delete them. (If you want you can backup these files)
8) Paste the three files you copied earlier after you extracted VoLTE fix zip.
9) Now, Select csc > click on 3 dot menu and open properties > click on change beside permissions
and set permissions to rwx r-x r-x. You can refer to the screenshot.
10) Click OK and click Cancel.
11) Select CscVersion.txt and set permissions to rw- r- r- . Refer screenshot
12) Do the same with SW_Configuration.xml. Refer screenshot
13) Restart and done
14) You can enable disable VoLTE in phone > more > Outgoing voice call settings
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