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Fuchsia OS may replace Android OS

Google is now working on their next OS after android and chrome OS, i.e. Fuchsia. A next version OS which may replace Android OS. Yes this may be true. Google told that they will bring up their next smartphones and tablets with this new OS. The user interface is called Armadillo UI according to leaks. An android application also came out where you can experience the Fuchsia.

It will look like cards and you have to swipe down from the top to check out them. These cards will be your applications which will be live view just like windows 8.1 live tiles. If you swipe up from the bottom you will get the google search where it asks you search me anything. The status bar is now at the bottom containing time, home button and the battery status. In between the app cards and google search, the home screen comes up, where you will get your photo, time and battery. Clicking on it, will open the toggles box, where the sim cards, brightness, volume panel, and quick toggles like WiFi and Bluetooth are located.

Here are some screenshots of the OS :

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