Latest Photos by Sayan Saha


Cosmic Lollipop Themed for grand quattro

                                                        Features :
1. Rooted
2. De-bloated
3. Zip-aligned & Signed
4. De-odexed [ theme-able ]
5. Extreme Bare-boned -> only 74 apps & 2 ringtones & 2 alarm tones [rom size :- ]
6. Init.d Support
7. Lollipop themed framework
8. AOSP Apps -> Apollo, Browser, Calender, Download, Keyboard, etc.
9. Cyanogenmod 10 DSP manager & Bootanimation
10. Root File Manager
11. Holo Kitkat themed Camera, Clock, Dailer & Contacts, Gallery, Player and Settings.
12. Dark PlayStore
13. Ultra Smooth & Ultimate Performance.
14. Apex Launcher as default.
15. Removed all Touchwizz Contents and disabled preload apps on boot.
16. Removed statusbar sim icons [1,2]

System Mods :
- New Cosmic LOGO on boot [ Instead of Device name i.e. Samsung Gt-i8262 ]
- 4 Way reboot menu
- AOSP Lockscreen
- Water Ripple Lockscreen
- Long Press menu kill app
- Total 17 wallpapers added.[1 = Cyanogenmod , 2 = Kitkat, 2 = Samsung ICS and 12 = JellyBean ]

Installation :
1. Download
2. Move it to internal or external sdcard
3. Reboot into recovery
4. Goto Wipe options
5. Wipe Data,Cache and Dalvik-Cache.
6. Goto install menu and select rom.
7. It should take 1-2 minutes for installation to complete.
8. Reboot and Complete Setup wizard and Enjoy. 

Status Bar Mods :
- Option to hide Brightness Bar
- 20 Re-arrangeable Expanded toggles
- Statusbar kikat gradient or choose desire color.
- Ability to Hide,Left,Right,Center clock.
- Ability to choose clock style,font,color,etc.
- Hide battery icon or choose 32 different battery icons
- Use Battery level as a line [ battery bar ] with ur prefered color and theme.

credits to @abhi922on xda ported from galaxy core

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